Image of Stephan Hawking
Stephan Hawking looking dashing

Stephen William Hawking was an English theoretical physicist, cosmologist, and author who was director of research at the Centre for Theoretical Cosmology at the University of Cambridge at the time of his death.

Born: 8 January 1942, Oxford, United Kingdom
Died: 14 March 2018, Cambridge, United Kingdom


One of his greatest achievements was his life itself. How he grappled a fatal form of ALS to live 55 years when medical facts had only predicted a 3 year life span post diagnosis.

Hawking Radiations –
Stephen Hawking proved that given the Quantum nature of particles, it cannot be said that the black hole traps everything. They emit radiations and particles. This emission can possibly continue until the black hole evaporates. These radiations became known as Hawking Radiations. Creation of the universe – Applying the concepts of Quantum physics and general relativity he proved that the Universe was created due to the explosion of singularity trapped in an infinetly small space and that no creator was involved in the process. This theory was widely accepted and also helped scrutinize the behaviour of black holes and furthermore the nature of the universe.

An international Best seller–
The most complicated concepts of physics are served to the readers with utmost clarity and lucidity in his Book “A Brief History of Time”. The book sold out over 10 million copies and was translated to 40 languages. The media called him, The Master of Universe. In addition he published several other books which did gain a lot of attention. Black Holes and Baby Universes and other essays (1993), The Universe in a Nutshell(2001), On the shoulder of the Giants (2002) and God created the integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs that changes History (2005)

With the aid of English mathematician and physicist Roger Penrose, Hawking proved that the universe was a infinitely small seed of singularity which exploded to become the vastness that it is today. A gravitational singularity is boundless energy and mass trapped inside an infinitely small space, within which the forces and laws of physics cease to behave normal as everything becomes a function of infinity. Mechanics of Black Holes – Alongside James Bardeen and Brandon Carter Hawking discovered the four laws of black hole mechanics. These laws comprehend the behavior of the physical properties of the Black holes like mass, charge, entropy, surface area etc. these laws are analogous to the Laws of Thermodynamics.

Cosmic Inflation–
Cosmic inflation was a theory proposed by Alan Guth in 1980 which proposed the exponential expansion of the universe following the big bang and later settled to a slower expansion. Hawking calculated Quantum fluctuations resulting from cosmic inflation to demonstrate how they are capable of giving rise to spread of galaxies in the universe. The time when there was no time – In 1983 Alongside James Hartle, Stephen Hawking suggested a model of the formation of universe where in he concluded from the behavior of particles as per Quantum physics that time did not exist before the genesis of the universe.

Top-down cosmology –
The universe according to Stephen Hawking’s theory of top-down cosmology(2006) had not just one but many possible initial conditions. Thomas Hertog who was a co-researcher in this study had a strong argument to believe that. In the words of Hertog – “Quantum mechanics forbids a single theory”. Both Hawking and Hertog, believed that the concept of innumerable alternate worlds as put forward in famous string theory has strong grounds. Zero G Flight – The then 65 year old man with ALS, glued to a wheelchair, had a lifelong dream of breaking free from the confinement. And owing to the efforts of serial entrepreneur Peter Diamandis Hawking did experience a freedom like never before. On April 26, 2007, Diamandis’ Zero G team successfully executed Hawking’s zero gravity flight.

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